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whimmy future

 Each work of art, regardless of whether it is audio, visual, or the art of any other species, almost always contains something unusual. Of course, people are different, and they feel new things differently. But, in any case, I think, thanks to experiments in art, different new things become more familiar to us. In recent years, absolutely incredible things have been happening around us. It's not so much one thing, like artificial intelligence, for example, but many different things that are developing simultaneously, almost independently, I think. All of this together will probably really give us many different chances, more positive ones, I hope, of course. I don't have any ready-made answers, I just want to spend some time thinking about these chances so that I don't miss something. And also not to "get into" something that is desirable to avoid))) Because then I will have no one to blame, and I don't want to blame myself for it later.

    The very first and most obvious thought that comes to mind is that it is desirable to want something that everyone, or almost everyone, wants, and that will happen anyway. Of course, first and foremost, we all want a safe environment. Nobody knows how this strange era will end, and I think there is simply no point in wasting time discussing bad options, because they will very soon turn into very bad or even fatal options for all of us absolutely. In the end, it seems that we have already passed the most dangerous moment, and I think the politicians of the most powerful states have already realized that flirting with various forces that show terrorist tendencies leads to a dead end. Of course, I understand that in today's environment all states are to some extent a risk factor for civilization. Various empires were once the greatest achievement of mankind, but now everything is changing so fast... Nevertheless, today almost all people on the planet live in states. And this is really very important. But I really don't want to discuss politics right now, so let's move on to another topic. In the end, we just need something that lasts longer than a human life - a stable environment.

    Couldn't some technologies significantly improve our security, and these should apply to all of us? No one will be safe if there are billions of people around who are ready to rip out anyone's throat, just for food, for example. I think blockchain, perhaps, or other distributed registries, can greatly simplify the problem of fair distribution, for example. Through micropayments, for example. If people agree to a certain price, they will consider it, if not perfectly fair, then at least temporarily acceptable. I don't know what to call it, it's probably very close to direct democracy, I think it doesn't have to be pure libertarianism or a dictatorship of the majority. But, of course, it depends a lot on our willingness to make informed decisions. I don't know if I can take direct responsibility for every little thing right away. We all rarely read all kinds of boring documents... It's always a balance between convenience and risk.

    But what if, in parallel, our "computing power," so to speak, increases dramatically. At least we will be able to "educate" ourselves or train some AI assistants, or we will trust some ready-made, already trained ones. Perhaps we can really trust them. Initially, it will be something completely separate, but eventually, I suspect, it will become some kind of "implants."  In addition, we may be able to easily "breed" these "assistants," and here, I think, lie some really serious risks for us. The risks of fragmentation of individuality, for example. At first, it sounds quite good - instead of doing this or that procedure, which I consider boring, I'd rather have fun somewhere in a virtual beautiful world. But, since boring procedures are often absolutely necessary, I will have to "split" myself. And technology will give me this opportunity - if there is demand, there will be supply. And why not "catch more" and get a little more mince? If you don't have enough computing power, you can easily borrow it...

    Okay, today we are discussing only positive scenarios. I hope these are almost the same "scenarios", only from a "positive" point of view. Of course, it is extremely important to have a good big picture of reality. I think things are improving for humanity as a whole. Today, everyone who wants to has wide access to the highest quality knowledge. In any possible form. To all kinds of "garbage" too, of course. But I will not discuss this either. It is obvious in itself that we share everything positive with others. That's all we can do. It's at least better than banning, I guess. But there are probably things that should be banned. In any case, I would like to ask everyone who is with me now to share this post if it looks worthwhile. I think we don't always have to look for direct answers to everything right away. Very often, it's enough to just think about something, and then, when you suddenly need to make a decision related to it, it turns out that the answer seems to have appeared from somewhere. Perhaps, after all, this time when we go through various provocative questions is still productive. In the end, a qualitative picture of the world around us and of ourselves is made up of small questions and small answers. Thank you for your time, come back again!
