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Showing posts from December, 2018

"Mother of All Demos" - 50th anniversary

Today is the 50th anniversary of the legendary presentation by Douglas Engelbart - given in December 9, 1968 - in which he demonstrates experimental computer technologies, that are now so commonplace. 'Mother of All Demos' - 50th anniversary (Douglas Engelbart's website): Perhaps, the most important thing it gave us is possibilities for every one of us. A chance to expand yourself, because we are made of our impressions of things, people, ideas. Those impressions then manifest themselves in decisions and choices we make. And also, it gives us the possibility to change concurrently with those we strongly believe in. If everything goes well, sometime we will be able to create a new civilization. We all need something that we can believe in, together. Then, we will at last be able to work on really important things, like life extention, for example... Unfortunately, Douglas Engelbart didn't live long enough to be w...